{ALGO}RITMO Juan Floristán

16,99 €

Juan Floristán shows us his most intimate part in this live recording of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, Ginastera's Argentinian Dances and Ligeti's Musica Ricercata.

Inside the CD you will find several QR codes with extra content, which will allow you to access the live concert videos and more explanatory content about the works.

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Juan Floristán shows us his most intimate part in this live recording of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, Ginastera's Argentinian Dances and Ligeti's Musica Ricercata.

Inside the CD you will find several QR codes with extra content, which will allow you to access the live concert videos and more explanatory content about the works.

Juan Floristán shows us his most intimate part in this live recording of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, Ginastera's Argentinian Dances and Ligeti's Musica Ricercata.

Inside the CD you will find several QR codes with extra content, which will allow you to access the live concert videos and more explanatory content about the works.

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